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Twitch Module

50 min read

Introduction #

This module allows users to connect to Twitch in order to send and receive data to use in Stream Hydra. Users can also setup Twitch chatbot simple commands, with various extra options. To get started, enable the Twitch module from the modules page. To understand more about the data types returned, and how to use them, check out this article.

Applets – Triggers #

Triggers are events received from Twitch that contain various data for you to use in Stream Hydra. These triggers become active after you save/update your applet and are called in real time when the event happens. Let’s take a look at each Trigger Node in the Twitch module.

On Channel Update #

Twitch - On Channel Update
On Channel Update

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever your channel information is updated:

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • TITLE (string) – Your channel’s title.
  • LANGUAGE (string) – Your channel’s two-letter language code.
  • CATEGORY_NAME (string) – The category set on your Twitch channel eg. ‘Fortnite’ or ‘Just Chatting’.
  • IS_MATURE (boolean) – Whether your Twitch channel is set to mature audiences or not.

On Follow #

Twitch - On Follow
On Follow

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a person follows your Twitch Channel. This can trigger if somebody unfollows and then re-follows. Use the core node Unique Filter to prevent this and only allow new followers to your channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch User ID code for the user who just followed your channel.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch username of the user who just followed your channel.

On New Subscriber #

Twitch - On New Subscriber
On New Subscriber

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a person subscribes to your Twitch channel. This does not include resubscribes, but this is captured in a different node (see below)

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch User ID code for the new subscriber to your channel.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch username of the new subscriber to your channel.
  • TIER (string) – The subscription tier chosen, can be either 1000, 2000 or 3000.
  • IS_GIFT (boolean) – Whether the subscription was a gift or not.

On Unsubscribe #

Twitch - On Unsubscribe
On Unsubscribe

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a persons subscription to your channel expires.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch User ID code for the user who’s subscription has expired.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch username of the user who’s subscription has expired.

On Resubscribe #

Twitch - On Resubscribe
On Resubscribe

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a user resubscribes AND shares chat message in your channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch User ID code for the user who has resubscribed.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch username of the user who has resubscribed.
  • TIER (string) – The subscription tier chosen, can be either 1000, 2000 or 3000.
  • CUMULATIVE_MONTHS (number) – The total number of months the user has been a subscriber to your channel for.
  • STREAK_MONTHS (number) – The number of consecutive months the user’s current subscription has been active for.
  • DURATION_MONTHS (number) – The month duration of the subscription.
  • MESSAGE (string) – The text of the resubscription chat message.

On Subscription Gift #

Twitch - On Subscription Gift
On Subscription Gift

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a user gives one or more gifted subscriptions in your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch User ID code for the user who has gifted the subscription
  • USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch username of the user who has gifted the subscription.
  • TIER (string) – The subscription tier chosen, can be either 1000, 2000 or 3000.
  • TOTAL (number) – The total number of subscriptions in the gift.
  • CUMULATIVE_TOTAL (number) – The number of subscriptions gifted by this user in the channel. This value is null for anonymous gifts or if the gifter has opted out of sharing this information.
  • IS_ANONYMOUS (boolean) – Whether the subscription gift was anonymous.

On Cheer #

Twitch - On Cheer
On Cheer

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a user cheers on your channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • IS_ANONYMOUS (boolean) – Whether the cheer was done anonymously.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch User ID code for the user who has cheered. This will return “null” if IS_ANONYMOUS is true.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch username of the user who has cheered. This will return “null” if IS_ANONYMOUS is true.
  • MESSAGE (string) – The message the user wrote when cheering.
  • BITS (number) – The amount of bits that were cheered.

On Raid #

Twitch - On Raid
On Raid

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever another streamer raids your stream with viewers.

  • TO_BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • TO_BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • FROM_BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The Twitch user ID of the streamer who raided you.
  • FROM_BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch username of the streamer who raided you.
  • VIEWERS (number) – The amount of viewers brought in the raid.

On Ban #

Twitch - On Ban
On Ban

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a user is banned from your channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch viewer’s user ID who was banned/timed out from your channel.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch viewer’s username who was banned/timed out from your channel.
  • MODERATOR_USER_ID (string) – The Twitch Moderator’s user ID in your channel who banned the user.
  • MODERATOR_USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch Moderator’s username in your channel who banned the user.
  • REASON (string) – The reason the moderator gave for the ban.
  • IS_PERMANENT (boolean) – Whether the event was for a time out or a permanent ban.
  • ENDS_AT (timecode/string) – When the timeout will end, will be “null” if the ban is permanent.

On Unban #

Twitch - On Unban
On Unban

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a user is unbanned from your channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch viewer’s user ID who was unbanned from your channel
  • USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch viewer’s username who was unbanned from your channel.
  • MODERATOR_USER_ID (string) – The Twitch Moderator’s user ID in your channel who unbanned the user.
  • MODERATOR_USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch Moderator’s username in your channel who unbanned the user.

On Channel Point Reward Add #

On Channel Point Reward Add Node
On Channel Point Reward Add

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a new Channel Point Reward is added to your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • ID (string) The Twitch ID of the custom reward. You can use this reward later to update/delete the reward.
  • IS_ENABLED (boolean) If the reward is enabled on your channel.
  • IS_PAUSED (boolean) If the reward is paused on your channel.
  • IS_IN_STOCK (boolean) If the reward is in stock.
  • TITLE (string) – The title of the reward.
  • COST (number) – The cost of the reward in channel points.
  • PROMPT (string) – The prompt that is shown to the user before redeeming the reward.
  • IS_USER_INPUT_REQUIRED (boolean) – If the reward requires the user to input text onto the reward when redeeming.
  • SHOULD_REDEMPTIONS_SKIP_REQUEST_QUEUE (boolean) – Whether the reward will just auto fulfil when redeemed instead of populating into the request queue for you or a moderator to fulfil manually (or automatically through Stream Hydra).
  • COOLDOWN_EXPIRES_AT (string) – The time at which the reward’s cooldown will expire. This is probably null on this node as the reward has only just been created and is unlikely to have been redeemed already.
  • REDEMPTIONS_REDEEMED_CURRENT_STREAM (number) – The number of times this reward has been redeemed during your current stream. This is likely to be 0 as the reward has just been created and might not have been redeemed yet.
  • MAX_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the reward has been specified to have a max number of redemptions per stream or not.
  • MAX_PER_STREAM_VALUE (number) – If MAX_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED is true, then this number is the maximum number of times this reward can be redeemed per stream. If not, then this number is NULL.
  • MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the reward has been specified to have a max number of redemptions per user per stream or not.
  • MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_VALUE (number) – If MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED is true, then this number is the maximum number of times this reward can be redeemed per user per stream. If not, then this number is NULL.
  • GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – If there is a global cooldown on redeeming rewards on your channel.
  • GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_SECONDS (number) – If the above is true, then the number of seconds that are set for the global cooldown for rewards on your channel. Will be null if not.
  • BACKGROUND_COLOR (string) – The background colour of the reward as a hex value (e.g. #D65A66).
  • IMAGE_URL_1X (string) – The image URL for the reward at 1x size if applicable.
  • IMAGE_URL_2X (string) – The image URL for the reward at 2x size if applicable.
  • IMAGE_URL_4X (string) – The image URL for the reward at 4x size if applicable.
  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL_1X (string) – The default image URL for the reward at 1x size if applicable.
  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL_2X (string) – The default image URL for the reward at 2x size if applicable.
  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL_4X (string) – The default image URL for the reward at 4x size if applicable.

On Channel Point Reward Update #

On Channel Point Reward Update Node
On Channel Point Reward Update

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a Channel Point Reward is updated on your Twitch Channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • ID (string) The Twitch ID of the custom reward. You can use this reward later to update/delete the reward.
  • IS_ENABLED (boolean) If the reward is enabled on your channel.
  • IS_PAUSED (boolean) If the reward is paused on your channel.
  • IS_IN_STOCK (boolean) If the reward is in stock.
  • TITLE (string) – The title of the reward.
  • COST (number) – The cost of the reward in channel points.
  • PROMPT (string) – The prompt that is shown to the user before redeeming the reward.
  • IS_USER_INPUT_REQUIRED (boolean) – If the reward requires the user to input text onto the reward when redeeming.
  • SHOULD_REDEMPTIONS_SKIP_REQUEST_QUEUE (boolean) – Whether the reward will just auto fulfil when redeemed instead of populating into the request queue for you or a moderator to fulfil manually (or automatically through Stream Hydra).
  • COOLDOWN_EXPIRES_AT (string) – The time at which the reward’s cooldown will expire. This is probably null on this node as the reward has only just been created and is unlikely to have been redeemed already.
  • REDEMPTIONS_REDEEMED_CURRENT_STREAM (number) – The number of times this reward has been redeemed during your current stream.
  • MAX_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the reward has been specified to have a max number of redemptions per stream or not.
  • MAX_PER_STREAM_VALUE (number) – If MAX_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED is true, then this number is the maximum number of times this reward can be redeemed per stream. If not, then this number is NULL.
  • MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the reward has been specified to have a max number of redemptions per user per stream or not.
  • MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_VALUE (number) – If MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED is true, then this number is the maximum number of times this reward can be redeemed per user per stream. If not, then this number is NULL.
  • GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – If there is a global cooldown on redeeming rewards on your channel.
  • GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_SECONDS (number) – If the above is true, then the number of seconds that are set for the global cooldown for rewards on your channel. Will be null if not.
  • BACKGROUND_COLOR (string) – The background colour of the reward as a hex value (e.g. #D65A66).
  • IMAGE_URL_1X (string) – The image URL for the reward at 1x size if applicable.
  • IMAGE_URL_2X (string) – The image URL for the reward at 2x size if applicable.
  • IMAGE_URL_4X (string) – The image URL for the reward at 4x size if applicable.
  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL_1X (string) – The default image URL for the reward at 1x size if applicable.
  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL_2X (string) – The default image URL for the reward at 2x size if applicable.
  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL_4X (string) – The default image URL for the reward at 4x size if applicable.

On Channel Point Reward Remove #

On Channel Point Reward Remove Node
On Channel Point Reward Remove

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever Channel Point Reward is removed from your Twitch Channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • ID (string) The Twitch ID of the custom reward. You can use this reward later to update/delete the reward.
  • IS_ENABLED (boolean) If the reward is enabled on your channel.
  • IS_PAUSED (boolean) If the reward is paused on your channel.
  • IS_IN_STOCK (boolean) If the reward is in stock.
  • TITLE (string) – The title of the reward.
  • COST (number) – The cost of the reward in channel points.
  • PROMPT (string) – The prompt that is shown to the user before redeeming the reward.
  • IS_USER_INPUT_REQUIRED (boolean) – If the reward requires the user to input text onto the reward when redeeming.
  • SHOULD_REDEMPTIONS_SKIP_REQUEST_QUEUE (boolean) – Whether the reward will just auto fulfil when redeemed instead of populating into the request queue for you or a moderator to fulfil manually (or automatically through Stream Hydra).
  • COOLDOWN_EXPIRES_AT (string) – The time at which the reward’s cooldown will expire. This is probably null on this node as the reward has only just been created and is unlikely to have been redeemed already.
  • REDEMPTIONS_REDEEMED_CURRENT_STREAM (number) – The number of times this reward has been redeemed during your current stream.
  • MAX_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the reward has been specified to have a max number of redemptions per stream or not.
  • MAX_PER_STREAM_VALUE (number) – If MAX_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED is true, then this number is the maximum number of times this reward can be redeemed per stream. If not, then this number is NULL.
  • MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the reward has been specified to have a max number of redemptions per user per stream or not.
  • MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_VALUE (number) – If MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_IS_ENABLED is true, then this number is the maximum number of times this reward can be redeemed per user per stream. If not, then this number is NULL.
  • GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – If there is a global cooldown on redeeming rewards on your channel.
  • GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_SECONDS (number) – If the above is true, then the number of seconds that are set for the global cooldown for rewards on your channel. Will be null if not.
  • BACKGROUND_COLOR (string) – The background colour of the reward as a hex value (e.g. #D65A66).
  • IMAGE_URL_1X (string) – The image URL for the reward at 1x size if applicable.
  • IMAGE_URL_2X (string) – The image URL for the reward at 2x size if applicable.
  • IMAGE_URL_4X (string) – The image URL for the reward at 4x size if applicable.
  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL_1X (string) – The default image URL for the reward at 1x size if applicable.
  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL_2X (string) – The default image URL for the reward at 2x size if applicable.
  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL_4X (string) – The default image URL for the reward at 4x size if applicable.

On channel Point Redeem #

On Channel Point Redeem Node
On Channel Point Redeem

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a Channel Point Reward is redeemed on your Twitch Channel

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • ID (string) – The Twitch ID of the TRANSACTION, not the reward.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch ID of the user who redeemed the reward.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The name of the user who redeemed the reward.
  • STATUS (string) – Will be set to either ‘unknown’, ‘unfulfilled’, ‘fulfilled’ or ‘canceled’ depending on the outcome of redemption.
  • REWARD_ID (string) – The Twitch ID of the reward that was redeemed.
  • REWARD_TITLE (string) – The title of the reward that was redeemed.
  • REWARD_COST (string) – The cost in Channel Points of redeeming the reward.
  • REWARD_PROMPT (string) – The prompt that the user was shown when redeeming the reward if applicable (this option is set when creating the reward).
  • REDEEMED_AT (string) – The time at which the reward was redeemed.
  • USER_INPUT (string) – The text the user input when redeeming the reward if applicable (this option is set when creating the reward).

On Channel Point Redeem Update #

On Channel Point Redeem Update Node
On Channel Point Redeem Update

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a reward redemption was updated on your Twitch channel. For example, if a redemption is set to ‘fulfilled’ by a moderator after being redeemed, this node will fire after the ‘On Channel Point Redeem’ node.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • ID (string) – The Twitch ID of the TRANSACTION, not the reward.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch ID of the user who redeemed the reward.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The name of the user who redeemed the reward.
  • STATUS (string) – Will be set to either ‘unknown’, ‘unfulfilled’, ‘fulfilled’ or ‘canceled’ depending on the outcome of redemption.
  • REWARD_ID (string) – The Twitch ID of the reward that was redeemed.
  • REWARD_TITLE (string) – The title of the reward that was redeemed.
  • REWARD_COST (string) – The cost in Channel Points of redeeming the reward.
  • REWARD_PROMPT (string) – The prompt that the user was shown when redeeming the reward if applicable (this option is set when creating the reward).
  • REDEEMED_AT (string) – The time at which the reward was redeemed.
  • USER_INPUT (string) – The text the user input when redeeming the reward if applicable (this option is set when creating the reward).

On Hype Train Begin #

On Hype Train Begin Node
On Hype Train Begin

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a hype train has started on your Twitch Channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • TOTAL (number) – The total points contributed to the Hype Train.
  • PROGRESS (number) – The number of points contributed to the hype train at the current level.
  • GOAL (number) – The number of points required to reach the next level.
  • TOP_CONTRIBUTIONS (array) – A list of users who were the top contributors to the hype train. Each item in the list contains the following information:
    • USER_ID (string) – The user ID of the top contributor.
    • USER_NAME (string ) – The user name of the top contributor.
    • TYPE (string) – The type of the contribution. Valid values are ‘bits’ or ‘subscriptions’.
    • TOTAL (number) – The total points contributed by this user.
  • LAST_CONTRIBUTION (object) – The user who was the last to contribute to the hype train. The object contains the following information:
    • USER_ID (string) – The user ID of the top contributor.
    • USER_NAME (string ) – The user name of the top contributor.
    • TYPE (string) – The type of the contribution. Valid values are ‘bits’ or ‘subscriptions’.
    • TOTAL (number) – The total points contributed by this user.
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The time the Hype Train started.
  • EXPIRES_AT (string) – The time the Hype Train expires.

On Hype Train Progress #

On Hype Train Progress Node
On Hype Train Progress

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a hype train progresses on your channel. This event will fire for every contribution made towards the hype train including the ones that caused the hype train to start. Twitch cannot guarantee the order of events and so you may receive this event first before receiving ‘On Hype Train Begin’.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • LEVEL (number) – The level of the Hype Train.
  • TOTAL (number) – The total points contributed to the Hype Train.
  • PROGRESS (number) – The number of points contributed to the hype train at the current level.
  • GOAL (number) – The number of points required to reach the next level.
  • TOP_CONTRIBUTIONS (array) – A list of users who were the top contributors to the hype train. Each item in the list contains the following information:
    • USER_ID (string) – The user ID of the top contributor.
    • USER_NAME (string ) – The user name of the top contributor.
    • TYPE (string) – The type of the contribution. Valid values are ‘bits’ or ‘subscriptions’.
    • TOTAL (number) – The total points contributed by this user.
  • LAST_CONTRIBUTION (object) – The user who was the last to contribute to the hype train. The object contains the following information:
    • USER_ID (string) – The user ID of the top contributor.
    • USER_NAME (string ) – The user name of the top contributor.
    • TYPE (string) – The type of the contribution. Valid values are ‘bits’ or ‘subscriptions’.
    • TOTAL (number) – The total points contributed by this user.
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The time the Hype Train started.
  • EXPIRES_AT (string) – The time the Hype Train expires.

On Hype Train End #

On Hype Train End Node
On Hype Train End

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a hype train ends on your channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • LEVEL (number) – The level of the Hype Train.
  • TOTAL (number) – The total points contributed to the Hype Train.
  • PROGRESS (number) – The number of points contributed to the hype train at the current level.
  • GOAL (number) – The number of points required to reach the next level.
  • TOP_CONTRIBUTIONS (array) – A list of users who were the top contributors to the hype train. Each item in the list contains the following information:
    • USER_ID (string) – The user ID of the top contributor.
    • USER_NAME (string ) – The user name of the top contributor.
    • TYPE (string) – The type of the contribution. Valid values are ‘bits’ or ‘subscriptions’.
    • TOTAL (number) – The total points contributed by this user.
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The time the Hype Train started.
  • EXPIRES_AT (string) – The time the Hype Train expires.
  • COOLDOWN_ENDS_AT (string) – The time the Hype Train cooldown ends so the next Hype Train can start.

On Stream Start #

On Stream Start Node
On Stream Start

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever your Twitch channel goes live.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch Stream.
  • TYPE (string) – Can be ‘live’, ‘playlist’, ‘watch_party’, ‘premiere’, or ‘rerun’
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The start time of the stream.

On Stream End #

On Stream End Node
On Stream End

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever your Twitch channel stream ends.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • END_TIME (string) – The time Stream Hydra receives the notification that your stream ended. Twitch don’t return the actual time so it may be a few seconds off depending on the delay in receiving the event.

On Command #

On Command Node
On Command

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a command is typed in your Twitch channel chat. The command to listen for is specified in the node. To call the command from your Twitch chat, type it with a ‘!’ in front of it.

  • USER_NAME (string) – The username of the person who executed the command.
  • USER_ID (string) – The user ID who executed the command.
  • COMMAND (string) – The command that was executed.
  • IS_SUBSCRIBER (boolean) – Whether the user who executed the command is a subscriber of your Twitch channel.
  • IS_MOD (boolean) – Whether the user who executed the command is a moderator on your Twitch channel.
  • MESSAGE (string) – The full message that was sent by the user, who used the command.
  • ARGS (array) – A list of arguments used in the command. Arguments are separated by spaces, i.e. !command arg1 arg2 arg3 etc.

On Moderator Add #

On Moderator Add Node
On Moderator Add

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a new moderator is added to your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch user ID of the new moderator.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch username of the new moderator.

On Moderator Remove #

On Moderator Remove Node
On Moderator Remove

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a moderator is removed from your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch user ID of the removed moderator.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The Twitch username of the removed moderator.

On Poll Begin #

On Poll Begin Node
On Poll Begin

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a poll is started on your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • EVENT_ID (string) – The ID of the poll event, so you can reference it later.
  • TITLE (string) – The title of the poll.
  • BITS_VOTING_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the poll allows viewers to vote with bits.
  • BITS_VOTING_AMOUNT_PER_VOTE (number) – The amount of bits required for each vote, if the above is set to true, otherwise this will be ‘null’.
  • CHANNEL_POINTS_VOTING_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the poll allows viewers to vote with channel points.
  • CHANNEL_POINTS_VOTING_AMOUNT_PER_VOTE (number) – The amount of channel points required for each vote, if the above is set to true, otherwise this will be ‘null’.
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The time the poll started.
  • ENDS_AT (string) – The time the poll will end.
  • CHOICES (array) – A list of possible choices for the poll, each choice is returned in the following format:
    • ID (string) – The ID for the choice, so you can reference it later.
    • TITLE (string) – The title for the choice.
    • BITS_VOTES (number) – The number of votes received via bits. This will be null if the choice hasn’t got any votes yet.
    • CHANNEL_POINTS_VOTES (number) – The number of votes received via channel points. This will be null if the choice hasn’t got any votes yet.
    • VOTES (number) – The total number of votes across bits and channel points. This will be null if the choice hasn’t got any votes yet.

On Poll Progress #

On Poll Progress Node
On Poll Progress

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a user interacts with an active poll on your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • EVENT_ID (string) – The ID of the poll event, so you can reference it later.
  • TITLE (string) – The title of the poll.
  • BITS_VOTING_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the poll allows viewers to vote with bits.
  • BITS_VOTING_AMOUNT_PER_VOTE (number) – The amount of bits required for each vote, if the above is set to true, otherwise this will be ‘null’.
  • CHANNEL_POINTS_VOTING_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the poll allows viewers to vote with channel points.
  • CHANNEL_POINTS_VOTING_AMOUNT_PER_VOTE (number) – The amount of channel points required for each vote, if the above is set to true, otherwise this will be ‘null’.
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The time the poll started.
  • ENDS_AT (string) – The time the poll will end.
  • CHOICES (array) – A list of possible choices for the poll, each choice is returned in the following format:
    • ID (string) – The ID for the choice, so you can reference it later.
    • TITLE (string) – The title for the choice.
    • BITS_VOTES (number) – The number of votes received via bits. This will be null if the choice hasn’t got any votes yet.
    • CHANNEL_POINTS_VOTES (number) – The number of votes received via channel points. This will be null if the choice hasn’t got any votes yet.
    • VOTES (number) – The total number of votes across bits and channel points.

On Poll End #

On Poll End Node
On Poll End

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a poll ends on your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • EVENT_ID (string) – The ID of the poll event, so you can reference it later.
  • TITLE (string) – The title of the poll.
  • BITS_VOTING_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the poll allows viewers to vote with bits.
  • BITS_VOTING_AMOUNT_PER_VOTE (number) – The amount of bits required for each vote, if the above is set to true, otherwise this will be ‘null’.
  • CHANNEL_POINTS_VOTING_IS_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the poll allows viewers to vote with channel points.
  • CHANNEL_POINTS_VOTING_AMOUNT_PER_VOTE (number) – The amount of channel points required for each vote, if the above is set to true, otherwise this will be ‘null’.
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The time the poll started.
  • ENDED_AT (string) – The time the poll will end.
  • STATUS (string) – The status of the poll, can be ‘completed’, ‘archived’ or ‘terminated’
  • CHOICES (array) – A list of possible choices for the poll, each choice is returned in the following format:
    • ID (string) – The ID for the choice, so you can reference it later.
    • TITLE (string) – The title for the choice.
    • BITS_VOTES (number) – The number of votes received via bits. This will be null if the choice hasn’t got any votes yet.
    • CHANNEL_POINTS_VOTES (number) – The number of votes received via channel points. This will be null if the choice hasn’t got any votes yet.
    • VOTES (number) – The total number of votes across bits and channel points.

On Prediction Begin #

On Prediction Begin Node
On Prediction Begin

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a new prediction begins on your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • EVENT_ID (string) – The ID of the prediction event, so you can reference it later.
  • TITLE (string) – The title of the prediction.
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The time the prediction started.
  • LOCKS_AT (string) – The time the prediction will lock.
  • OUTCOMES (array) – A list containing all the possible outcomes of the prediction. Each prediction in the list is returned in the following format:
    • ID (string) – The ID of the outcome, so you can reference it later.
    • TITLE (string) – The title of the outcome.
    • COLOR (string) – The colour of the outcome, valid values are ‘pink’ or ‘blue’.

On Prediction Progress #

On Prediction Progress node
On Prediction Progress

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a user interacts with an active prediction on your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • EVENT_ID (string) – The ID of the prediction event, so you can reference it later.
  • TITLE (string) – The title of the prediction.
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The time the prediction started.
  • LOCKS_AT (string) – The time the prediction will lock.
  • OUTCOMES (array) – A list containing all the possible outcomes of the prediction. Each prediction in the list is returned in the following format:
    • ID (string) – The ID of the outcome, so you can reference it later.
    • TITLE (string) – The title of the outcome.
    • COLOR (string) – The colour of the outcome, valid values are ‘pink’ or ‘blue’.
    • USERS (number) – The number of users who used channel points on this outcome.
    • CHANNEL_POINTS (number) – The total number of channel points used on this outcome.
    • TOP_PREDICTORS (array) – An array within an array! This array is a list of users (up to 10) who used the most channel points on this outcome. Each user comes in the following format:
      • USER_ID (string) – The user ID of the top predictor.
      • USER_NAME (string) – The user name of the top predictor.
      • CHANNEL_POINTS_WON (number) – The amount of channel points the user won. If they didn’t win, or haven’t yet, then this will be ‘null’.
      • CHANNEL_POINTS_USED (number) – The amount of channel points the user used in this outcome.

On Prediction Locks #

On Prediction Lock Node
On Prediction Lock

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a prediction locks on your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • EVENT_ID (string) – The ID of the prediction event, so you can reference it later.
  • TITLE (string) – The title of the prediction.
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The time the prediction started.
  • LOCKED_AT (string) – The time the prediction locked.
  • OUTCOMES (array) – A list containing all the possible outcomes of the prediction. Each prediction in the list is returned in the following format:
    • ID (string) – The ID of the outcome, so you can reference it later.
    • TITLE (string) – The title of the outcome.
    • COLOR (string) – The colour of the outcome, valid values are ‘pink’ or ‘blue’.
    • USERS (number) – The number of users who used channel points on this outcome.
    • CHANNEL_POINTS (number) – The total number of channel points used on this outcome.
    • TOP_PREDICTORS (array) – An array within an array! This array is a list of users (up to 10) who used the most channel points on this outcome. Each user comes in the following format:
      • USER_ID (string) – The user ID of the top predictor.
      • USER_NAME (string) – The user name of the top predictor.
      • CHANNEL_POINTS_WON (number) – The amount of channel points the user won. If they didn’t win, or haven’t yet, then this will be ‘null’.
      • CHANNEL_POINTS_USED (number) – The amount of channel points the user used in this outcome.

On Prediction End #

On Prediction End Node
On Prediction End

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever a prediction ends on your Twitch channel.

  • BROADCASTER_USER_ID (string) – The ID of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will your ID unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • BROADCASTER_USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user who the event is for. This will be your username unless you are listening to this event from other Team Members.
  • EVENT_ID (string) – The ID of the prediction event, so you can reference it later.
  • TITLE (string) – The title of the prediction.
  • STARTED_AT (string) – The time the prediction started.
  • ENDED_AT (string) – The time the prediction ended.
  • STATUS (string) – The status of the prediction, valid values are ‘resolved’ or ‘canceled’.
  • WINNING_OUTCOME_ID (string) – The outcome ID that won the prediction.
  • OUTCOMES (array) – A list containing all the possible outcomes of the prediction. Each prediction in the list is returned in the following format:
    • ID (string) – The ID of the outcome, so you can reference it later.
    • TITLE (string) – The title of the outcome.
    • COLOR (string) – The colour of the outcome, valid values are ‘pink’ or ‘blue’.
    • USERS (number) – The number of users who used channel points on this outcome.
    • CHANNEL_POINTS (number) – The total number of channel points used on this outcome.
    • TOP_PREDICTORS (array) – An array within an array! This array is a list of users (up to 10) who used the most channel points on this outcome. Each user comes in the following format:
      • USER_ID (string) – The user ID of the top predictor.
      • USER_NAME (string) – The user name of the top predictor.
      • CHANNEL_POINTS_WON (number) – The amount of channel points the user won. If they didn’t win, or haven’t yet, then this will be ‘null’.
      • CHANNEL_POINTS_USED (number) – The amount of channel points the user used in this outcome.

on User Update #

On User Update Node
On User Update

This node will trigger your applet and return these values whenever your Twitch account has an update

  • USER_ID (string) – Your Twitch ID.
  • USER_NAME (string) – Your Twitch username.
  • EMAIL (string) – Your email address.
  • DESCRIPTION (string) – Your Twitch description.

Applets – Actions #

Actions are functions that are called from nodes in applets and take specific data in order to function. These actions are called in real-time when that node is called in your applet. Let’s take a look at each action node from the Twitch module:

Start Commercial #

Start Commercial Node
Start Commercial

This node when called, will start a commercial of a specified length on your Twitch channel.

  • LENGTH (number)(required) – The desired length of the commercial, valid values are: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180.

Get Channel Info #

image 32
Get Channel Info

This node when called, will get and return your Twitch channel information in the following format:

  • GAME_NAME (string) – The name of the current game set on your channel.
  • BROADCASTER_LANGUAGE (string) – The ISO 639-1 two letter code for the language set on your channel, or ‘other’.
  • TITLE (string) – The title set on your channel.
  • DELAY (number) – The stream delay in seconds.

Modify Channel Information #

Modify Channel Information
Modify Channel Information

This node when called, will modify your Twitch channel information.

  • TITLE (string)(required) – The title you wish to set on your Twitch channel.
  • LANGUAGE_CODE (string) – The ISO 639-1 two letter language code you wish to set.
  • GAME_NAME (string) – Enter the game name you wish to set on your Twitch channel.

Create Channel Point Reward #

Create Channel Point Reward Node
Create Channel Point Reward

This node when called, will create a new channel point reward on your Twitch channel.

  • ENABLED (boolean) – Should the reward be enabled on creation.
  • TITLE (string)(required) – The title for the reward.
  • FORCE_CREATE (boolean) – Set this to true if you want to overwrite any existing channel point reward on your channel with the same title. If this is false and a reward exists, this node will error. Setting this to true will prevent the error, and update the reward with the new information. You can use this if you wish to update a channel point reward of the same title, but you don’t have the required reward ID.
  • NEEDS_USER_INPUT (boolean) – Whether the reward requires a text input from the user when they redeem the reward.
  • PROMPT (string) – The prompt the user is shown for entering a text input when redeeming the reward, if the above is enabled.
  • COST (number)(required) – The cost of the reward, in channel points.
  • COLOUR (colour) – The background colour of the reward. Use the colour picker or enter a hex value for the colour.
  • LIMIT_MAX_REDEMPTIONS_PER_STREAM (boolean) – Whether the reward will have a limit to the number of times it can be redeemed per stream.
  • MAX_REDEMPTIONS_PER_STREAM (number) – If the above is set to true, the max number of redemptions for this reward per stream.
  • LIMIT_MAX_REDEMPTIONS_PER_STREAM_PER_USER (boolean) – Whether the reward will have a limit to the number of times it can be redeemed per user per stream.
  • MAX_REDEMPTIONS_PER_STREAM_PER_USER (number) – If the above is set to true, the max number of redemptions for this reward per stream.
  • ENABLE_COOLDOWN (boolean) – Whether the reward has a cooldown after ever redeem.
  • COOLDOWN_TIME (number) – If the above is set to true, the number of seconds for the cooldown of the reward.
  • SKIP_REDEMPTION_QUEUE (boolean)– By default, rewards when redeemed will enter a redemption queue for you to manually mark each redemption as fulfilled. This option allows you to specify whether you want the reward to skip this queue and automatically mark the redemption as fulfilled. You can use the “Update Channel Point Redemption Status” node if you want to control fulfilment of your rewards from within Stream Hydra for more complex situations.

When called, will return the following data:

  • ID (string) – The ID of the created reward, so you can reference it later.

Update Channel Point Reward #

Update Channel Point Reward Node
Update Channel Point Reward

This node when called, will update a channel point reward on your channel.

  • ID (string) – The reward ID to update. You can get this from the “Create Channel Point Reward” Node as the ID is returned when called. Alternatively, you can get the ID from the “On Channel Point Reward Add/Update” node.
  • ENABLED (boolean) – Should the reward be enabled on creation.
  • TITLE (string)(required) – The title for the reward.
  • NEEDS_USER_INPUT (boolean) – Whether the reward requires a text input from the user when they redeem the reward.
  • PROMPT (string) – The prompt the user is shown for entering a text input when redeeming the reward, if the above is enabled.
  • COST (number)(required) – The cost of the reward, in channel points.
  • COLOUR (colour) – The background colour of the reward. Use the colour picker or enter a hex value for the colour.
  • LIMIT_MAX_REDEMPTIONS_PER_STREAM (boolean) – Whether the reward will have a limit to the number of times it can be redeemed per stream.
  • MAX_REDEMPTIONS_PER_STREAM (number) – If the above is set to true, the max number of redemptions for this reward per stream.
  • LIMIT_MAX_REDEMPTIONS_PER_STREAM_PER_USER (boolean) – Whether the reward will have a limit to the number of times it can be redeemed per user per stream.
  • MAX_REDEMPTIONS_PER_STREAM_PER_USER (number) – If the above is set to true, the max number of redemptions for this reward per stream.
  • ENABLE_COOLDOWN (boolean) – Whether the reward has a cooldown after ever redeem.
  • COOLDOWN_TIME (number) – If the above is set to true, the number of seconds for the cooldown of the reward.
  • SKIP_REDEMPTION_QUEUE (boolean)– By default, rewards when redeemed will enter a redemption queue for you to manually mark each redemption as fulfilled. This option allows you to specify whether you want the reward to skip this queue and automatically mark the redemption as fulfilled. You can use the “Update Channel Point Redemption Status” node if you want to control fulfilment of your rewards from within Stream Hydra for more complex situations.
  • PAUSED (boolean) – Whether the reward should be paused, meaning users can’t see or redeem it but won’t be deleted from your channel.

Delete Channel Point Reward #

Delete Channel Point Reward Node
Delete Channel Point Reward

This node when called will delete a channel point reward with the specified ID on your Twitch channel.

  • ID (string)(required) – The reward ID to delete. You can get this from the “Create Channel Point Reward” Node as the ID is returned when called. Alternatively, you can get the ID from the “On Channel Point Reward Add/Update” node.

Update Channel Point Redemption Status #

Update Channel Point Redemption Status Node
Update Channel Point Redemption Status

This node when called will update the status of a channel point reward redemption on your Twitch channel. You can use this to automatically mark redemptions as “Fulfilled” or “Cancelled” for more complex situations needing better control of reward fulfilment.

  • ID (string)(required)– The ID of the REDEMPTION to update.
  • REWARD_ID (string)(required) – The reward ID this redemption applies to.
  • STATUS (string)(required) – The status of the redemption, valid values are “CANCELED”, “FULFILLED”. Setting “CANCELED” will refund the user their channel points.

Create Clip #

Create Clip Node
Create Clip

This node when called will create a clip of your current Twitch Stream.

  • HAS_DELAY (boolean) – If true, a delay is added before the clip is captured to account for the brief delay between the broadcasters stream and the viewer’s experience.

When called, the node returns the following data:

  • EDIT_URL (string) – The URL of the edit page for the clip.

Create Stream Marker #

Create Stream Marker Node
Create Stream Marker

This node when called will create a stream marker on your current Twitch stream. While not requiring any data, when called it will return the following:

  • POSITION_SECONDS (number) – The position in seconds that the stream marker was created at.

Get User Info #

Get User Info Node
Get User Info

This node when called will retrieve the Twitch user info relating to the specified Twitch user ID or username from a user on Twitch. This node requires at least one of the following:

  • USER_ID (string) – The Twitch user ID to retrieve the information for.
  • USER_NAME (string) – The username of the Twitch user.

Upon being called, will return:

  • DISPLAY_NAME (string) – The display name of the Twitch user.
  • BROADCASTER_TYPE (string) – The broadcaster type for the user, can be ‘partner’, ‘affiliate’ or ‘ ‘.
  • ACCOUNT_TYPE (string) – The account type for the user, can be ‘staff’, ‘admin’, ‘global_mod’ or ‘ ‘.
  • VIEW_COUNT (number) – The total number of views of the user’s channel.
  • OFFLINE_IMAGE_URL – The URL of the user’s offline image.
  • PROFILE_IMAGE_URL – The URL of the user’s profile image.
  • IS_SUBSCRIBER (boolean) – Whether the user is subscribed to your Twitch channel. This will only return if you pass in the USER_ID to this node.

Send Chat #

Send Chat Node
Send Chat

This node when called will send a chat message in your Twitch channel’s chat with the message you specify. The message will be sent from the default “streamhydrabot” account unless you add a custom bot name from the “Custom Bot Name” tab.

  • MESSAGE (string)(required) – The message to send in your Twitch channel’s chat.

Create Poll #

Create Poll Node
Create Poll

This node when called, will create a new poll on your Twitch channel and return the Event ID for that poll, so you can reference it later. This node takes:

  • TITLE (string)(required) – The title to set the poll to. Max 60 characters.
  • POLL_DURATION (number)(required) – The duration of the poll in seconds, must be a number between 15 and 1800.
  • CHOICES (array)(required) – A list of between 2 and 5 different options for the poll. Each choice requires a title to be set which must be less than 25 characters.
  • BITS_VOTING_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether to allow voting with bits on the poll.
  • BITS_PER_VOTE (number) – The amount of bits required for each vote if the above is set to true. Maximum bits per vote is 10,000.
  • CHANNEL_POINTS_VOTING_ENABLED (boolean) – Whether the allow voting with channel points on the poll.
  • CHANNEL_POINTS_PER_VOTE – The amount of channel points required for each vote if the above is set to true. Maximum channel points per vote is 1,000,000

When called, and if successful, the node will return the following:

  • EVENT_ID (string) – The ID of the poll that was created, so you can reference it later.

End poll #

End Poll Node
End Poll

This node when called, will end an active poll on your Twitch channel.

  • EVENT_ID (string)(required) – The event ID of the poll to end. You can get this ID from the returned data of the “Create Poll” node, or from any of the “On Poll XXX” event nodes.
  • POLL_STATUS (string)(required) – The status to set the poll to, valid values are: ‘TERMINATED‘ (End the poll manually, but allow it to be viewed publicly) or ‘ARCHIVED‘ (End the poll manually, but do not allow it to be viewed publicly).

Create Prediction #

Create Prediction Node
Create Prediction

This node when called will create a new prediction on your Twitch channel and return the event ID so you can reference it later.

  • TITLE (string)(required) – The title to set the prediction to.
  • PREDICTION_DURATION (number)(required) – The duration in seconds for the prediction to run, must be a number between 15 and 1800.
  • OUTCOMES (array)(required) – Must pass a list of exactly 2 outcomes that each have a title with less that 25 characters. The first outcome will be the ‘blue’ side and the second will be the ‘pink’ side.

When called, and if successful , the node will return the following:

  • EVENT_ID (string) – The event ID of the created prediction so you can reference it later.

End Prediction #

End Prediction Node
End Prediction

This node when called will end a currently active prediction on your Twitch channel

  • EVENT_ID (string)(required) – The event ID of the prediction to end. You can get this ID from the returned data of the “Create Prediction” node, or from any of the “On Prediction XXX” event nodes.
  • PREDICTION_STATUS (string)(required) – The status to set the prediction to, valid values are: ‘RESOLVED‘ (A winning outcome has been chosen and the Channel Points have been distributed to the users who predicted the correct outcome), ‘CANCELED‘ (The prediction has been cancelled and the Channel Points have been refunded to participants), or ‘LOCKED‘ (The prediction has been locked and viewers can no longer make predictions. You can call this node again to update the prediction to any of the first two options at a later point).

Extra – Simple Commands #

Enabling the Twitch module gives you access to these 2 pages. The first, Simple Bot Commands, allows you to create Twitch chat bot commands without needing applets. The second allows you to customise the name of the bot that is used in sending out messages in your Twitch chat. The Custom Bot Name feature is only available to users on a paid plan.

Extra Twitch Tabs
Extra Twitch features, outside of applets

Aside from creating Twitch chat commands in applets (e.g. !socials, !lurk, etc.), which would cost invocations for each time someone used the command, you can create simple chat commands that do not count invocations providing that there is not need for any logic between receiving the command and executing a response. These commands are also faster as they are stored on the bot itself and there is not need for processing from our servers. You can create these simple commands over at the “Twitch – Simple Bot commands” tab from the home page where you can create up to 25 commands, all for free.

New Simple Command Window
Adding a new Simple Command

To add a new command, hit “New Command” and the above window will open. Type the command you wish to create in the first box followed by the response from the bot in the second. You can use the {user_name} or {arg_1}, {arg_2} etc. variables in the response message and the bot will fill those values in. The {user_name} field will be populated with the Twitch username of the person who called the command. If the user puts any arguments after the command, you can capture these using the {arg_x} variable. For example, a common command streamers use is the !so (shout out) command where the argument passed is the streamer’s name. When somebody calls the command, they would write it as follows: !so myFavouriteStreamer. To capture and process this into a readable message, you could write in the bot response field any variation of: Check out {arg_1}! I think they are awesome, you can visit them at{arg_1}. This would translate to: Check out myFavouriteStreamer! I think they are awesome, you can visit them at Multiple arguments are separated by spaces when called and you can have up to 10 arguments on one command. When creating your response, you can also click on {user_name} or {arg_x} to insert into the box, instead of typing them out.

Simple Commands management
Simple Commands management

When you have created a few simple commands, they will show in a list on that page. From here you can see the command and response, and also have the option to edit or remove them. You will also see two new options appear at the top of the page. The first, “Toggle the helper command” will add the !commands command to the bot. It won’t take up one of your 25 simple command slots. This command, when called, will collate all your simple commands together, including any commands you created in any applets you have made, and show them in a list to the user as follows: Commands available: !lurk, !socials, !discord, !twitter etc. This will auto update as you add/remove commands and provides a helpful way for your users to know what commands they can call.

The second option that will appear at the top, is the “Allow Moderators Control” function. Enabling this will add 3 more commands to the bot, and won’t count towards your 25 free simple commands. These three commands are !addcommand, !editcommand and !deletecommand. These allow any moderators or you to add/update/remove any simple commands on your Twitch channel from directly within the Twitch chat, no need to come back to Stream Hydra mid stream! To add/edit a command, a moderator (or you) would type !addcommand/!editcommand !commandname commandresponse. For example: !addcommand !marco Polo. To delete a command, just type !deletecommand !commandtodelete no need for the response.

By default, all bot responses come from our account “streamhydrabot”. However, if you are on a paid plan, you can customise this to get all bot responses to come from an account that you own. Simply head to the “Custom Bot Name” tab and hit “Link Account“. This will take you through a standard Twitch login process of which you will need to login to the account you wish your bot responses to come from. After that, all response will come from that new account unless you choose to unlink that account or downgrade your subscription.

That’s it! This page will be updated as we add more support for Twitch triggers, actions and functions. If you have any questions please feel to free to contact us here via any method – except maybe carrier pigeon!