Stream Deck Module

Introduction #

This module allows users to connect to their Elgato Stream Deck in order to trigger applets in Stream Hydra from button presses. To get started, enable the Stream Deck module from the modules page. To understand more about the data types returned, and how to use them, check out this article.

Triggers #

Triggers are events received from your Stream Deck that you can use to trigger your applet. These triggers become active after you save/update your applet and are called in real time when the event happens. Let’s take a look at each Trigger Node in the Stream Deck module.

On Button Press #

Stream Deck - On Button Press
On Button Press

This node will trigger your applet whenever a configured button on your Stream Deck is pressed. No data is returned. There is 1 option to configure if you wish:

Identifier (string) – Optionally specify a name for this button that can be used to differentiate between other “On Button Press” nodes that you are using in the same applet. If you use an identifier, you’ll need to reference it later on in the Stream Deck app.

Creating keys #

Stream Deck Keys Tab
Stream Deck Keys Tab

For security, you’ll need to generate keys for each applet that will use Stream Deck nodes. These keys will be used later to plug into the Stream Deck functions. Click on the “Keys” tab of the Stream Deck Module from the home page to start the process.

Here you can generate the keys for the applets that are using the “On Button Press” node. If you haven’t made the applet yet, it won’t show up in the applet list, you’ll need to use the node first before trying to generate a key.

Stream Deck Keys Page
Stream Deck Keys Page

Click “Generate New Key”, a popup will appear with a drop down to select the applet. Once chosen, you will be given a generated key to paste into the plugin. Do not lose or share this, as this key will allow somebody to control your applet unless you regenerate it.

Stream Deck Generated Key
Key Generated

Stream Deck Plugin #

To use Stream Hydra with your Stream Deck, first install the plugin to your Stream Deck here. In the Elgato app, you should see 2 functions appear under “Stream Hydra”. Drag the required functions onto your Stream Deck buttons and click to see the options.

Stream Hydra Functions in Stream Deck
Stream Hydra Functions in Stream Deck
Functions assigned to Stream Deck buttons
Functions assigned to buttons
Execute Applet Options
Execute Applet Options

Execute Applet #

This is the first function available to use and will trigger your applet, at the “On Button Press” node when ran. This takes 3 options:

  • Title – This can be whatever you want, it’s only seen locally in the app and displayed across the button. It will not impact the functionality of your applet.
  • Key – This is the generated key for your applet that you want to control. It must exactly match the key that was given to you when you created it. You can use the same key across multiple stream deck functions and buttons and will work as intended.
  • Identifier (Optional) – If you specified an identifier in you “On Button Press” node, then you will need to plug that exact name into the function. When you press the Stream Deck button, the applet will attempt to find an “On Button Press” node with the same identifier and execute at that node if found. If the identifier is not found, the applet will not run.

Enable/Disable Applet #

This function can be used to toggle an applet into an Enabled or Disable state but will not execute the applet. You can see the new state of the applet from the icon in your Stream Deck. A red dot in the bottom-right hand corner indicates the applet is now disabled, a green dot would indicate it’s enabled. This function takes the following options:

  • Title – This can be whatever you want, it’s only seen locally in the app and displayed across the button. It will not impact the functionality of your applet.
  • Key – This is the generated key for your applet that you want to control. It must exactly match the key that was given to you when you created it. You can use the same key across multiple stream deck functions and buttons and will work as intended.

This page will be updated as we add more support for Stream Deck triggers and actions. If you have any questions please feel to free to contact us here via any method – except maybe carrier pigeon!